Thursday, November 8, 2012

Spread Holiday Cheer with a Toy Drive for the Motel Children of Caterina's Club

With Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season just around the corner, struggling families are often reminded of the things they cannot provide for their children. By providing families with presents to give to their children, Caterina's Club gives the gift of joy and love to the motel families we support. Help us spread this Holiday Cheer by bringing an unwrapped toy for a motel boy or girl, age 6-16 to the Anaheim White House Restaurant. The toy drive begins at our 25th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and Dinner. We would love for you to attend the event as well, details are listed below.
The 25th Annual Anaheim White House
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, Dinner, and Toy Drive for the Motel Children of Caterina's Club
Sunday November 18, 2012 at 6:00PM. 

This year, we decided to light the tree in honor of some very close and loyal customers and friends that have been supporting us for the past 25 years. This year the lighting of the tree will be in honor of
"The Ultimate USC Backers" - Bob and Betty Plumleigh
"My friend from the beginning" - Tim Gonzales
"The First Lady" - Lesley Hall
"My Favorite Customers" - The Motel Kids & Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim - Michael Baker
The one who started the White House with me 25 years ago, my mentor and friend Louis Laulhere
Lastly, in honor of Delio Serato, my father who went to heaven this past year.

The cost is $110.00 per person, including champagne. Additional beverages, tax and gratuity not included. The evening is always an affair to remember and always sold out, so please respond as soon as possible. You are welcome to bring an unwrapped toy that will be given to the motel children of Caterina's Club. The toys are for 6-16 year old boys and girls.
Call 714-772-1381 for Reservations.